Participant's Name
First Name
Last Name
Participant's Date of Birth
Private Lesson
Yes, I would like to participate in an optional private lesson.
#1 Class Elective Priority
Beginning Banjo
Intermediate Banjo
Advanced Banjo
Beginning Bass
Intermediate Bass
Advanced Bass
Intermediate Electric Bass
Advanced Electric Bass
Beginning Fiddle
Intermediate Fiddle
Advanced Improv Fiddle
Master Class - Fiddle
Twin Fiddle
Beginning Guitar
Intermediate Guitar
Advanced Guitar
Master Class - Guitar
Beginning Mandolin
Intermediate Mandolin
Advanced Mandolin
Master Class - Mandolin
Beginning Mountain Dulcimer
Beginning Ukulele
Intermediate/Advanced Ukulele
Teen Vocals
Beginning Jamming
Intermediate Jamming
Advanced Jamming
Hula and Tahitian Dancing
Intermediate/Advanced Mountain Dulcimer
Harmony Vocals
Little Strummers
#2 Class Elective Priority
Beginning Banjo
Intermediate Banjo
Advanced Banjo
Beginning Bass
Intermediate Bass
Advanced Bass
Intermediate Electric Bass
Advanced Electric Bass
Beginning Fiddle
Intermediate Fiddle
Advanced Improv Fiddle
Master Class - Fiddle
Twin Fiddle
Beginning Guitar
Intermediate Guitar
Advanced Guitar
Master Class - Guitar
Beginning Mandolin
Intermediate Mandolin
Advanced Mandolin
Master Class - Mandolin
Beginning Mountain Dulcimer
Beginning Ukulele
Intermediate/Advanced Ukulele
Teen Vocals
Beginning Jamming
Intermediate Jamming
Advanced Jamming
Hula and Tahitian Dancing
Intermediate/Advanced Mountain Dulcimer
Harmony Vocals
Little Strummers
#3 Class Elective Priority
Beginning Banjo
Intermediate Banjo
Advanced Banjo
Beginning Bass
Intermediate Bass
Advanced Bass
Intermediate Electric Bass
Advanced Electric Bass
Beginning Fiddle
Intermediate Fiddle
Advanced Improv Fiddle
Master Class - Fiddle
Twin Fiddle
Beginning Guitar
Intermediate Guitar
Advanced Guitar
Master Class - Guitar
Beginning Mandolin
Intermediate Mandolin
Advanced Mandolin
Master Class - Mandolin
Beginning Mountain Dulcimer
Beginning Ukulele
Intermediate/Advanced Ukulele
Unavailable - Jazz
Teen Vocals
Beginning Jamming
Intermediate Jamming
Advanced Jamming
Hula and Tahitian Dancing
Intermediate/Advanced Mountain Dulcimer
Harmony Vocals
Little Strummers
#4 Class Elective Priority
Beginning Banjo
Intermediate Banjo
Advanced Banjo
Beginning Bass
Intermediate Bass
Advanced Bass
Intermediate Electric Bass
Advanced Electric Bass
Beginning Fiddle
Intermediate Fiddle
Advanced Fiddle
Master Class - Fiddle
Twin Fiddle
Beginning Guitar
Intermediate Guitar
Advanced Guitar
Master Class - Guitar
Beginning Mandolin
Intermediate Mandolin
Advanced Mandolin
Master Class - Mandolin
Beginning Mountain Dulcimer
Beginning Ukulele
Intermediate/Advanced Ukulele
Teen Vocals
Beginning Jamming
Intermediate Jamming
Advanced Jamming
Hula and Tahitian Dancing
Intermediate/Advanced Mountain Dulcimer
Harmony Vocals
Little Strummers
#1 Band Elective Priority
Unavailable - Jazz Band
Bluegrass Band
Old Time Band
Folk Band
Unavailable - Irish Band
Classic Rock Band
Island Band
Band - Not Sure, Choose For Me
Blues Improv Band for Advanced Players
Little Pickers
#2 Band Elective Priority
Jazz Band
Bluegrass Band
Old Time Band
Folk Band
Irish Band
Classic Rock Band
Island Band
Band - Not Sure, Choose For Me
Blues Improv Band for Advanced Players
Little Strummers
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone
Emergency Contact's Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact's Phone Number
Primary Physician's Name
First Name
Last Name
Primary Physician's Phone Number
Known Allergies
List any allergies the participant has, including: food, medicines, animals, insect bites, etc.
Medical/Behavioral Notes
Please describe any other medical or behavioral concerns that you would like the camp staff to be aware of, including prescribed medications.
Media Release
"Cordova 4H Bluegrass and Old Time Music Camp" may use a photo/s of my child for promotional use. The child's name and other information will not be released.
No (To respect your choice, the student will not be allowed to be in the end-of-camp photo).
Closed Campus Policy
For safety's sake, we have a CLOSED CAMPUS policy. We require that a parent or guardian sign their child out at the end of every day, or provide a handwritten note delivered beforehand. There will be a form and clipboard at the front table for you to sign your child out.
I agree to sign my child out at the end of every day, or provide a handwritten note beforehand.
My child may leave campus without my signature. I understand that checking this box will release the Cordova 4H Music Camp of any responsibility for my child at the time that is specified as the end of the day on my student's schedule.
Closed Campus Lunch
My child (must be 13 or older) may leave campus during lunch. We agree that my child will sign in and sign out during lunch, as well as be on time to the next class.
Bands Around Town Release
A large part of Cordova 4H Bluegrass and Old Time Music Camp is the Bands Around Town activity on Friday afternoon. Students walk around town with their instructor and a volunteer to play music for locals.
I give my permission for my child to attend the Bands Around Town activity, and understand that the medical release provided with this form extends to the Bands Around Town activity. I also agree that my child will follow instructors' directions, and behave in a way that positively reflects the camp.
Instrument Loan/Release
If my child is borrowing an instrument, I agree to take full financial responsibility if my child incurs any damage to that instrument while borrowing it. If my child is using their own instrument, I agree to take full financial responsibility for the instrument that my child is using. I also agree to release "Cordova 4H Bluegrass and Old Time Music Camp" of any financial responsibility if any damage is done to the instrument. If my child is loaning an instrument to the camp, I agree to release "Cordova 4H Bluegrass and Old Time Music Camp" of any financial responsibility if any damage is done to the instrument during the camp. I also agree that if there is any damage done to the instrument during the camp, the person using it at the time will be financially responsible for the damage done.
Medical Release
I hereby consent to emergency treatment, hospitalization, or other medical treatment as may be necessary by a physician, qualified nurse or hospital in the event of an injury or illness. On behalf of the above student, I hereby waive any liability for injuries/illness sustained at this event "Cordova 4H Bluegrass and Old Time Music Camp". I also hereby accept legal and financial responsibility for the above student in the event of injury or illness.
Camper has a current 4H Membership
All camp attendees must have a current 4H Membership prior to the first day of camp. Visit this URL to register:
I am a current 4H Member
I still need to renew my membership or register with 4H
4H Code of Conduct
While attending 4-H activities and events, I will:
Obey all rules established by the 4-H program, the local club/program and all local, state, and Federal laws.
Conduct myself in a courteous manner and be respectful of the authority of adult volunteers, youth leaders and 4-H staff, and others in leadership roles.
Not use, accept, or carry alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, nor associate with or remain in the presence of others using the substances.
Know that the possession or use of firearms is prohibited, except when part of an approved shooting sports educational program.
Respect all persons, facilities and vehicles. I will be responsible for any damage caused resulting from my behavior.
Help others have a pleasant experience by making every attempt to include all participants in activities.
Be in the assigned program area (for example: dorms, cabins, programs, etc.) at all times.
Use appropriate language and dress appropriately for each event.
Acknowledge that searches of personal property may take place when there is reasonable suspicion of violations of law or policies.
I have read the 4-H Code of Conduct with my child, and I support my child living up to the expectations it outlines. As well, I agree to live up to the expectations of the Code of Conduct while participating in 4-H programs and events. I will support the individual(s) in charge in maintaining appropriate behavior and in the development of good character. I understand that I am responsible for all costs incurred by early departure should my child be sent home and may be asked to forfeit all funds expended upon me and/or my child’s behalf during the event.
I have read the 4-H Code of Conduct and agree to live up to these expectations while participating in 4-H programs and events. I am aware that my actions and decisions affect others. I understand that my failure to act with good character could result in consequences, including dismissal from the event or program. I am willing to accept appropriate consequences of my actions.
Member Signature
I give permission for emergency medical care
Authorization for Emergency Medical Care
First Name
Last Name
Yes, please contact me to volunteer during camp
Check the jobs that you'd prefer.
Preparing for camp
Camp Set-up
Camp Clean-up
Morning Camp Caretaker (mention preferred days in final comments)
Afternoon Camp Caretaker (mention preferred days in final comments)
Lunch Duty (mention preferred days in final comments)
Evening Family Events (mention preferred days in final comments)
Bands Around Town
Concert Set-up
Concert Clean-up
Final Comments