Cordova 4H Music Camp
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cordova 4h adult music camp

Adult Classes

(ages 18+)

We are now offering an opportunity for adults to explore a diverse range of traditional music styles and instruments in a supportive and encouraging environment. This is a great event to foster new friendships and old, and bring the enjoyment of playing music into your life!

Classes run Monday through Friday*. There are 5 classes each afternoon. Students may choose to do 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 classes per afternoon.

*Friday is “Bands Around Town” from 12-1p and 5p.


We can provide instruments if you need to borrow one. Please let us know that when you register.


Church of the Nazarene
405 Adams St.
Cordova, AK 99574

Help us keep the music and the camp going by clicking the Donate button above! Thank you!

Adult Class Schedule

12-1pHarmony Singing

12-1p Beginner Ukulele

1-2p Intermediate Fiddle

1-2p Beginner Guitar

1-2 Advanced Guitar

2-3p Beginner Fidlle

2-3p Mountain Dulcimer

2-3p Beginner Mando


4-5p Hula

4-5p Advanced Ukulele

4-5p Bass

4-5p Intermediate Mandolin

5-6p BREAK

6-7p Beginner Fiddle

6-7p Beginner Guitar

6-7p Advanced Guitar

 Adult classes


 No prerequisite. This class is an introduction to the clawhammer style of old-time banjo playing. Students will learn basic strums, chords, and an easy banjo tune.


Students will begin to improve on strums and increase their repertoire of chords used in old-time tunes. This class will teach how to play basic old-time tunes on the banjo.


 Students should be comfortable playing several old-time tunes on the banjo, and also feel comfortable in beginning jam scenarios. Students will learn the nuances of the role of the banjo in old-time jams and bands, as well as increase their song repertoire.


No prerequisite. Students will learn how a bass fits into a jam or band. They will learn 4-5 chords and how to back up a guitar on some simple singing songs.


Students will learn chords to back up a guitar, as well as scales, patterns for following new chords, new songs, and how to “walk” bass lines.


Students should be comfortable in beginning jam sessions, should be starting to hear chord changes, know all of the major chords, and should be fairly comfortable with their rhythm. Students will learn theory behind the Nashville Number System, how to solo on the bass, different scenarios for moving from chord to chord, and the nuances of how the bass fits into a band or jam.


No prerequisite. This class is geared towards students who have no or very little background in playing fiddle or violin. Students will learn how to correctly hold and bow the instrument as well as a few basic fiddle tunes. Students will utilize color coded fiddle tablature so they will be able to play Old Joe Clark, Shortnin' Bread, Liza Jane, Buffalo Gals, Jambalaya, I'll Fly Away, Amazing Grace, and many more tunes by the end of the week.


The intermediate class will focus on learning tunes, paying attention to melody shape and details, bowing and noting techniques including drones and double stops, and old-time bowing patterns. Alternate tunings will be introduced, and we will learn tunes in at least three different tunings. All tunes will be taught by ear -- no music will be provided, so be sure to bring a recorder.


The advanced class will learn tunes, with more details provided on alternate tunings, how to figure out keys and tunings from recordings, advanced bowing techniques to get that old time “pulse,” regional styles, development of repertoire, and how to play for dances.


This class will focus on learning Cajun two-steps and waltzes, including Cajun rhythms and bowing patterns, playing drones, and “seconding” (playing with another fiddle). We will work on how to get the Cajun feel and sound. Tunes will be taught by ear, so bring a recorder.


This class will focus on learning to take bluegrass fiddle breaks with slides and double stops--plus beginnings and endings for standard bluegrass songs. We will also learn some of the traditional bluegrass tunes such as Wheel Hoss, Clinch Mountain Backstep. Jerusalem Ridge, Blackberry Blossom, Bill Cheatum, and Billy in the Lowground.


This class will teach students how to find and play harmony parts on the fiddle. Students will learn the lead and harmony part to a few different fiddle tunes.


Students will work on harmonizing and the finer techniques of singing, while building their repertoire.


 No prerequisite. Students will learn 4-5 basic guitar chords, how to strum with a pick, and a few basic bluegrass and folk songs.


This class is geared towards students that can play 4-5 chords comfortably and the boom strum rhythm. Students will begin to flatpick, along with strengthening their chord and rhythm knowledge.


This class is for students who are comfortable with many chord changes: Most of the major chords, and a few minor and seven chords. Students will increase their chord and theory knowledge, as well as work on basic soloing and begin to learn how to improvise.


The Master Class for Guitar is for students who are very comfortable with their rhythm and chord changes and are ready to explore the nuances of how guitar fits into band and jam scenarios. Students will also continue working on creating a great solo and how to improvise. 


Students will learn hula basics from our guest artists from the Ke Kukui Foundation in Vancouver, WA.


No prerequisite. This class will teach students the basics of how to hold and play the mandolin. They will learn a few easy mandolin chords, some bluegrass tunes, and mandolin rhythm.


Students should be quite comfortable playing 2 finger chords. They should also be able to play a few basic tunes like Boil Em Cabbages, Shortenin’ Bread, Old Joe Clark, Cripple Creek, or Angeline the Baker. Students will learn how to play closed finger chords, work on their rhythm, and lead on a few new fiddle/mandolin tunes.


Students should be comfortable with three or four finger chords, and should be able to jam on some easy tunes. Students should also be able to play lead on tunes such as Soldier’s Joy, Over the Waterfall, Fisherman’s Hornpipe, Arkansas Traveler, etc. Students will increase their tune repertoire, learn how to jam on some more difficult tunes, and be introduced to the Nashville Number System.


Students should be very comfortable with all of the three-or-four-finger major chords, and should know some minor chords, as well being comfortable playing more complicated tunes such as Blackberry Blossom, Opus 23, or Wheelhoss. Students will learn the nuances of how a mandolin fits into a jam or band, how to create a great solo, and how to backup a singer or lead player. Students will also begin to explore improvisation techniques and genres: Dawg, jazz, and blues.  


The mountain dulcimer is an American folk instrument which grew out of the southern Appalachian Mountains in the early 1800s.  It's easy to learn to play and no prior musical background is needed.  Part of what makes it easy is that there are only three strings and fewer frets that a guitar (which means fewer wrong notes!) We will be learning to play fiddle tunes, as were heard in the Appalachians and are still played by Old Time and Bluegrass musicians, plus chords to use in accompanying singing or other instruments.  Cardboard instruments will be available for your use if you register before Thursday, instruments so that you can continue to play, they will be available for $50.


No prerequisite.  Students will learn basic chords on the ukulele, how to strum and tune the instrument, and a few songs.


Students should know many of the beginning ukulele chords. The class will further develop chord knowledge and different strumming patterns.


This class will focus on jamming and taking solos on songs common in jazz and bluegrass. Bring your favorite instrument and we'll jam out!


 This class will learn the art of to how to write songs, from instrumentation to lyrics.


Students must have a basic understanding of their instrument, and be able to play 1-2 tunes like Boil Em Cabbages, Old Joe Clark, Cripple Creek, Shortnin’ Bread, Buffalo Gals, Camptown Races, or similar songs OR be able to play 3-4 chords and rhythm. Students will learn how to jam with their peers by learning basic jamming tunes, the different elements of a jam, and jamming etiquette.


Students must have a basic understanding of their instrument and be able to play 4-5 tunes like Soldier’s Joy, Arkansas Traveler, Turkey in the Straw, Over the Waterfall, Liberty, or similar songs OR be able to play the 5 major chords, and 2-3 seven chords and minor chords. Students will continue to increase their jam tune repertoire, and begin to take leads in singing songs. 


Students will continue to learn how to create a successful jam with their peers - taking leads when appropriate, how to sing verses or choruses, and keeping background rhythms for the group. They will also delve into the different genres of acoustic music, and learn some traditional jamming tunes that are commonly played. 


 This style of music was pioneered by Bill Monroe in Kentucky around the 1930s and incorporates flat pick guitar, stand-up bass, hard-driving fiddle, rhythmic mandolin, three-finger style banjo, dobro, and three-part harmonies. Lead and harmony singing is a huge part of bluegrass music, as well as each person taking a solo. Usually, bands or jams only have one or two of each instrument, versus Irish or Old-Time, which can have more fiddlers.


 This style of music is one of the oldest traditional musics in America and came out of the Appalachian Mountains. Old-Time is very rhythmic music, where everyone plays the melody at the same time. Typically the guitar does not take solos in Old-Time music, but is a very important part of the rhythm section. Old-Time can usually have more fiddlers then Bluegrass and Folk. Typical instruments include fiddle, mandolin, guitar, claw-hammer banjo, and stand-up bass.